When did pajama's and workout clothing become fashion? I have been traveling lately and had the chance to be in three airports in one day. When I travel I dress in a nice but comfortable outfit. I was surprised to see so many women in pajama's or workout outfits! I was flabbergasted! How could women have such little care for what they looked like or what people thought of them. Now, I am a woman who knows who I am and I realize that what people think of me doesn't really matter but that does not make me want to show myself it the worst way possible. A sloppy, messy and unkempt woman is nothing but unattractive and ignorant in my mind! By dressing this way she is trying to say that she doesn't care about societal labels. Instead she puts the wrong labels on instead. A woman that dresses nicely is seen for herself and not for what she has on!

In the town where I live I have seen many women who go to the gym and then keep their workout clothing on for the rest of the day. I think they are trying to show how dedicated to being in shape they are and how good they look. In my mind going home and putting on a dress that hugs a waist or slacks that show the curve of a thigh would be better choices to show how in shape a person is.
I know I may be on my soap box - but please have some self respect and stop showing people what you look like when you crawl out of bed or come from the gym! Show them who you are instead.
That day of traveling took me from Seattle Airport to Minneapolis Airport and then on to Chicago. I have to say Chicago was the best dressed of the three but still left me frustrated!