Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bing Badda Bingbing

Thanks to a good friend and Barbie, I have just recently become aware of an actress who, upon further inspection, has quickly become one of my favorite current red carpet figures. Her name is Bingbing Fan, and she started out acting in China, but ever since her role in Iron Man 3, she has been focusing more on American movies. (She is currently in the new X Men movie.)

Not many people could get away with Princess Leia buns (or even try, for that matter). I love it!

This was one of the contenders for my favorite. It's amazing and I love the texture and flow of it!

All of these are wonderful, but of course I am dying over the striped gown!!!

In doing a cursory online search, I was unable to come up with much detail about her personally, but as I mentioned before, she is definitely one to watch. So much so that Barbie has recently produced a doll in her image wearing one of the amazing gowns she wore on the red carpet at Cannes in 2010.

Seriously?! She has her own Barbie? It doesn't get much better than that!

The thing I like most about her is her ability to choose either stunning gowns with a traditional, old-hollywood feel, or quirky dresses with a lot of edge that still manage to be phenomenal. Each dress looks perfectly suited for her in an easy, elegant way most celebrities these days could never manage. Again, it reminds me of old-hollywood starlets. I truly am amazed and excited to have discovered her at last, and I can't wait to watch her in the future!

I would never normally think that black lace and red velvet go well together. This dress proves me incredibly wrong!

Even when she's looking more hip and modern, she still has a certain Jackie O quality about her.

I had a really hard time deciding, but I think this ensemble might be my favorite! And also maybe the green dress pictured above. Not everyone could get away wearing that color and neckline.

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