Thursday, February 20, 2014

What the BAFTA?

Lupita Nyong'o is flawless in this simple, vibrant gown!
Lately I have been crazy about plaid, so I'm not surprised that this dress makes me swoon. It's just the right amount of rebel without losing the elegance. 
This gown fit Cate Blanchett to a T (also pictured below), and I really liked this huge, silver pendant!
I just wanted to do a quick recap of the fashions at the BAFTA awards which took place a few days ago in the UK. I missed seeing them televised, but have looked up as much of the red carpet looks as possible. In general, my overall opinion is a big giant question mark. I know that the Brits pride themselves on being free thinkers and non conformists (leave all that to Hollywood). And I love a lot of fashion that's on the fringe, but on the whole I just felt that many of the looks were either too casual, too crazy or just inappropriate. Nothing seemed original or exciting, just a few stunners and a lot of crazy.

I'm on the fence about these two. I kind of like the scale-like quality of the skirt, but maybe it's the colors I don't like.

I almost like this dress, and maybe if it was on someone else I would get pushed in one direction or another. But it's just weird to see Michelle Rodriguez all dressed up.

As a side note, American Hustle won for best hair and makeup while The Great Gatsby won for best costuming. For some reason I was a little surprised by that. Only time will tell if the Oscars will follow suit.

For realz?

Oh Emma! Words can't express my love for you! I just wish I could equally love your fashion choices.

OK, so Edith's dress is quaint, but it isn't exactly red carpet worthy, and it makes her look like she's 14. As for Maggie Gyllenhall, there are a few too many hot gypsies thrown in to this number.

I'm sorry Helen, you're usually flawless, but I just can't like this dress.

Lily Allen!!! What on earth were you thinking?! That is all.

NO, NO and good try.

I have no response to this.

This "suit" is an absolute abomination. It makes her look fat, the pants are too short and that material is just all wrong!

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