Saturday, January 10, 2015

Japanese Street Style

McCloud plaid pants? Union Jack tie? Cardigan? I need this entire ensemble right now!

For the new year, I thought I might post something completely out of the ordinary. I'm not sure how many of you know anything about style and fashion trends in Japan, but for those of you who don't know, the Japanese have some truly extreme style trends. 
I love the color combination!

I love the Hansel and Gretel feel of this dress! I would totally wear it.

They kind of look like they're out of a video game.

There are two different and distinct avenues of style: Lolita and Gothic. The first being a very cute, little girl, Hello Kitty approach. The second, somewhat self-explanatory, is all dark and black and macabre. I feel it important to state that both of these genre's are extremely Japanese in personality and flair. From my online perusing there does also seem to be another, more punk style that seems to mix both of these styles together.

Scary awesome!

Honestly. I think this outfit is really cool. It has a certain samurai feel to it.

I'm not sure if it's wings or just wing. Awesome!


What I love most about these crazy, extreme styles is that each of these people have found a distinct way of expressing themselves through the way they dress. I feel that America lacks a lot of this kind of sensibility in it's overall culture, and that makes life pretty boring. I wish that more people would feel free to go a little crazy sometimes. 

So, so cool! And I love her cotton candy hair!

Another win. You had me at Union Jack and electric blue fur.

Apparently, many of these individuals flock to a street called Shibuya in Tokyo in order to show off their amazing clothing creations. Aside from the food, this is one of the first things I want to go see when I finally get to travel to Japan. True fashion inspiration, even if it's extreme, it's a very rare and exciting thing!


  1. eye-opening. Great Visuals. You think we are not extreme enough in the States? Interesting.

  2. I love it! Even if I wouldn't wear any of it, I've always loved Japanese street style (I do love that Samurai-ish one). And you're right - it IS inspiring. I wish we were more bold in expressing ourselves through what we wore.

  3. Awesome!!! I would totally wear that first outfit!!! I love it!!!
